Slovensko nacionalno poročilo 2023
Na Svetovnem cestnem kongresu v Pragi 2023 je bilo predstavljeno slovensko Nacionalno poročilo.
Na Svetovnem cestnem kongresu v Pragi 2023 je bilo predstavljeno slovensko Nacionalno poročilo.
Med 2. in 6. oktobrom 2023 smo se udeležili največjega dogodka na področju cest, 27. Svetovnega cestnega kongresa PIARC 2023 v Pragi (WRC 2023). Nacionalni komite PIARC Slovenija se je tokrat prvič v zgodovini sodelovanja Read more…
Welcome among us!
National Committee PIARC Slovenia is a non-profit organisation
We are the national representation of the World Road Association PIARC ( We strive for broader international cooperation of traffic and especially road sector.
Our role is twofold
We are pursuing the interests of The Republic of Slovenia in PIARC and on the other side trying to represent and spread the information, results and accomplishments of this association which are stemming from activities of countries from all over the world in the field of traffic and transport.
Slovenia is a member of PIARC assocciation since 1995 and as the First Delegate from the very beginning acts, by his formal position, a director of Slovenian Roads Agency. In search of a more effective cooperation in the year 1999 with the Establishment contract which today comprises around 30 private companies, institutes and individuals.
Its main responsibilities and tasks are:
Take a look at the calendar of events that will take place this year within the NC-PIARC Slovenia association!
Read more about what you can gain by joining our organization!
We work together for greater traffic safety!