For better traffic safety
Common effort counts!
Although traffic safety is not the main field of interest for NC PIARC Slovenia, we as experts in traffic and transport are aware of its importance for Slovenian society and people at large. Therefore we welcome and support all endeavours of state, non-governmental organisations and civil societies that work and stand for increase in the level of traffic safety and for reduction of casualties of road accidents..
Activities of our members
From the beginning of NC PIARC Slovenia our members are among others also active in those WRA-PIARC technical committees which deal with traffic safety. In these committees various research projects are under way that deal with different issues of traffic safety. Those issues are chosen and designated for 4 years terms in the valid PIARC Strategic plan..
They are currently in research work through a technical committee with a working title TC 3.2 Design and operation of safer road infrastructure, 2 of our members are involved, and another works in the field of traffic safety & security.
Useful information
With the intention of helping in spreading the awareness about safe behaviour in road traffic we are here publishing a small number of educational films which can link you also to other similar video clips in our library.
Some links from the field of traffic safety
In Slovenia and all around the world there are number of governmental and non-governmental organisations, companies and voluntary civil associations that each in their own way strive for enhancing road traffic safety and reducing the number casualties of road accidents. NC PIARC Slovenia is formally not connected with any of them but our members are cooperating with experts from these organisations through their workingactivities.
For your convenience we are providing here links to websites of some of those associations (with no preferences), where you can access various information about activities in the field of road traffic safety.
Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji (DARS d.d.)
Spletna stran:

Zavod varna pot
Spletna stran:

Spletna stran:

Zavod za prometno varnost
Spletna stran:

European Road Safety Charter
Spletna stran:

Agencija za varnost prometa Republike Slovenije
Spletna stran:

Traffic safety first?
Are you an expert in traffic safety? Do you work in a company/association that deals with traffic safety? Are you cooperating in an interesting project from the field of traffic safety? Do you wish to share the results of your work with members of NC PIARC Slovenia and with other interested public?
Do not hesitate!
The main purpose of PIARC community is exchange of knowledge!
Contact us, send us your contribution and we will arrange for its publishing on NC PIARC Slovenia's website.
Literature on traffic safety
Here we are publishing literature, specialized in traffic safety.
U. Brumec, N.V. Hrabar, R. Strah, B. Matko, D. Babić in D. Babić: referat
Challenges to reduce speed of motorcycles in Stari Log curves
Uroš Brumec in Ljiljana Herga: referat
Safer and healthier to school – the Slovenian approach
Uroš Brumec: referat
How can we enhance the safety of school children with usage of human factor knowledge in road design?
Uroš Brumec: projektna naloga
Varnost šolarjev pred šolo in na poti v šolo – ureditev prometne infrastrukture z upoštevanjem človeškega dejavnika
Tehnični odbor PIARC 3.2, soavtor Uroš Brumec: zaključno poročilo
Activity report 2012-2015
Tehnični odbor PIARC C.1, soavtor Uroš Brumec: priročnik
Improvements in safe working on roads
WRA-PIARC: poročilo posebnega projekta
The importance of road maintenance