
Something about us in short

NK PIARC Slovenija deluje kot predstavništvo svetovnega cestnega združenja PIARC v Sloveniji. Prizadevamo si za čim večjo povezanost cestne in prometne stroke v Sloveniji in svetu, izmenjavo strokovnih znanj in literature ter promocijo dela naših strokovnjakov doma in v tujini.

Naši člani so podjetja in inštituti, ki delujejo na področju cest in prometa. V skladu s pravili matične organizacije PIARC jih imenujemo kolektivni člani. V tehnične odbore in dejansko delo združenja se nato vključujejo posamezni strokovnjaki, zaposleni v teh podjetjih, ki jim krijejo stroške članarine in sodelovanja na strokovnih srečanjih. Vsako leto si prizadevamo, da bi našim članom, ki aktivno sodelujejo v tehničnih odborih, povrnili del stroškov njihovih potovanj v tujino.

You can read more about the begginings of our national committe, our members and activities in section Presentation and Our members, but if you are interested in the organization of the association, you can look at the Establishment contract NK PIARC Slovenia.

The benefits of being a member of NC PIARC Slovenia

By joining our national committee or for that matter the main assocciation WRA-PIARC you will join other slovenian and foreign experts that operate in the field of roads and traffic and pursue slovenian interests in the intrnational community. Amongst other things you will benefit from these next opportunities:

  • access to latest information about the development of roads and traffic science around the world (opportunity for companies to access and implement actual latest knowledge in its business – competitive advantage),
  • possibility to attend and cooperate on: seminars, congresses, workshops, technical committees and on international research projects of world class format in the field of roads and traffic (exchange of knowledge is an opportunity to directly contribute to the development of international expertise and gaining important and useful information),
  • cooperation with leading organisations in the field of roads and traffic means a lot of opportunities for contacts and business connections with partners from abroad,
  • lower fees za udeležbo na svetovnih konferencah in cestnih kongresih PIARC (možnost delne povrnitve stroškov potovanj), in
  • free access do strokovne literature združenja PIARC in slovenskih publikacij.

You are welcome to join us!

Becoming a member

In order to join us you must be either a slovenian company or resident, or you can be a foreign company, based in slovenia. In that case the joining procedure is very simple. Please contact us and than you will:

First: fill in the Application form..

Second: send the Application form by regular mail or to the email adress and pay the annual membership fee.

Collective members: annual membership fee
500 €

By that you will become a full member of our slovenian assocciation NC PIARC Slovenia, you will be assigned a membership number which we will save in the secretariat (for safety reasons).

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