XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress Calgary, 08-11 February 2022
Let’s meet in Calgary (Canada) on 8-11 February 2022 for the XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress. The overall theme for the Congress is "Adapting to a Changing World".
This will be the first PIARC Congress to be held on the Western part of the North American continent. It will include approximately 50 sessions, the 4th International snowplough championship, a large exhibition, technical tours and a social programme.
The official languages of the Congress are English, French and Spanish.
Invitation to authors of papers for the congress
Call for papers Authors are invited to submit an abstract using the online facility from the Congress website at https://abstracts-calgary2022.piarc.org/en/ by February 28, 2021.
Registracija in več informacij je na voljo na uradni spletni strani kongresa: www.piarc-calgary2022.org.
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