A few words about the congress
Since 1908, the World Road Congresses within the WRA-PIARC World Road Association have been the most prestigious international events for road and transport professionals.

This time, the 26th Congress will take place This time, the 26th Congress will take place in the United Arab Emirates. As usual, it will present the latest research and examples of good practice, organize discussions on technological progress, and the organizers will make a special effort to encourage the greatest possible exchange of information and experience between participants. Congress to date has typically attracted around 3,000 participants from around the world, both from government departments, private companies, and from international organizations. The congress is expected to cover a wide variety of topics from governance and financing, mobility, transport safety, infrastructure, climate change, the environment and sustainable transport.

News about the congress

21/01/2019/ Odprta registracija za kongres!
Obveščamo člane, da je od novega leta dalje odprta in mogoča spletna registracija za kongres. Rok za zgodnjo prijavo je 31. marec 2019, oziroma za potrjene avtorje prispevkov 1. junij 2019. Za registracijo do roka veljajo znižane cene. Registrirate se lahko tukaj ali pa preko uradne spletne strani kongresa.

07/08/2018 Invitation to authors of papers for the congress
Organizatorji sporočajo vsem zainteresiranim, da so prijave za prispevke na kongresu odprte. Rok za oddajo osnutkov prispevkov je 15. september 2018. Več informacij o oddaji prispevkov in ostalem si lahko preberete na spletni strani za avtorje.

Abu Dhabi 2019

Več informacij o kongresu

Na voljo so vam gradiva in povezave za dodatne informacije.

Povezava na registracijo za udeležbo
Registracija Abu Dhabi 2019

Spletna stran kongresa
XXVIth World Road Congress Abu Dhabi 2019

Program kongresa
Okvirni program Abu Dhabi 2019
